Studio Kumau - Realizing
part of the picture...


“Making things”

We work with creative people at all stages of their process.
What that entails varies widely: sometimes just getting a new song recorded
is all that’s necessary to move the creative process along for the artist.

Usually that is just the beginning. If called for, we also offer full media
production services, including digital video editing and multi-track sound recording. Between us, we have produced works delivered on DVD, CD, in multimedia and multi-screen presentations, as public service announcements for television, documentaries, packaging design, story murals, oil paintings, fused glass, photography, lithographs and designs expressed and reproduced in many other formats.
Selected examples are available in the Gallery.

“We have no art—we do everything as well as we can.”   —Balinese saying

Contact Information

Copyright © 1998 Studio Kumau, LLC. All Rights Reserved.